Wedding Ceremony
The following ceremony was created for and with Lorraine and Bob Peters. While Bob was not religious per se, Lorraine had come from a Catholic household growing up, and so they requested that the ceremony include enough God and Jesus to feel religious to Lorraine, while not making Bob feel uncomfortable. They selected the readings from a group of potential readings I suggested to them. While the rest of the ceremony is mine, it also reflects choices and preferences from Lorraine and Bob, as we worked together to make sure the entire ceremony reflected their wants, needs and desires.
As we gather here today in the presence of God and each other, we joyfully acknowledge the decision of these two people, Lorraine and Robert, to share their lives in marriage. It is appropriate that you are here, for what each of them brings to this commitment has roots in the love, friendship, and guidance which you have given them. What each will find in their life together will owe much to the warmth and richness of welcome which you provide as the environment of their wedding.
Marriage is a union created by loving purpose and kept by abiding will. Lorraine, Robert, this ceremony we perform marks neither the beginning nor the end of your relationship. It is not the beginning, for we are here now only because you are already bound to each other by a deep and devoted love. Nor is it the end, for your love will grow and change toward your mutual happiness and the achievement of your common ideals. Such a ceremony does not guarantee the success or permanency of your relationship. Only the consecration of each to the other in the bonds of mutual love can accomplish that.
Let this ceremony be a public acknowledgment of your inward commitments already made to each other.
This wedding is also a celebration of family.
It is the blending of two families, separate until this moment, but united from this day forward, blending their different traditions, and strengthening the family tree.
Lorraine’s family:
Do you offer this couple your goodwill, and welcome Robert as a member of your family, offering him your love, affection, and support?
If so, please respond by saying we do.
Lorraine’s family: We do.
Robert’s family:
Do you offer this couple your goodwill, and welcome Lorraine as a member of your family and offer her your love, affection, and support?
If so, please respond by saying we do.
Robert’s family: We do.
Let us join together in prayer.
O’ lord of life and love, we ask that you bless Robert and Lorraine on this day, their special day of celebration.
We ask that you continue to bring light and love to their relationship, a relationship that becomes bound more deeply today in your love, bound through this ceremony of personal and public commitment.
We ask that you give them strength, courage, and patience, so that they may continue to bring your blessings into their lives together, and by doing so, bless those around them, and honor your holy name.
We ask that you bestow your love and grace upon this marriage, so that it may bring greater joy and goodness into Lorraine and Robert’s lives, so that it may bring greater joy and goodness into the world.
We ask and pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ.
As family and friends, each of you has played some part in bringing Lorraine and Robert to this moment, and in various ways you will continue to support their relationship.
Your presence here today contributes powerfully and deeply to the meaning and joy of this moment. While Lorraine and Robert will soon be making vows of support and care to each other, they will never cease needing the support and care of their friends and family as they navigate the many challenges that life brings us.
Will all of you witnessing the promises made here today pledge to uphold this couple with your continued love, assistance, wisdom, comfort and encouragement?
If you agree, please respond by saying “we do.”
Congregation: We do.
Weddings are a time of celebration and a time for gathering of family and friends.
Marriage ceremonies often also remind us of the absence of someone who would be delighted to share in this moment.
Lorraine and Robert have asked us to take a moment to think of those who could not be here with us today, but whose presence is reflected in the hearts of those here gathered. This includes family and friends, and most especially, Robert’s father, Kenneth Richard Peters.
Let us honor Kenneth and all those who could not be present with a moment of silence.
May those who are absent today know that they are missed and loved, and that, in turn, their love is present and part of this gathering.
Robert and Lorraine also wish to take a moment today to honor their mothers, for they would not be here in this time and in this place without the love and care of Ann Belzone and Beverley Shearing.
Ann and Beverley, Robert and Lorraine share these roses with you in gratitude for all you have done. All the diapers changed, all the meals made, all the hugs and kisses given, all the love and support offered freely. You have been, and continue to be, a blessing in their lives.
Romans 12: 9-18
Let love be without any pretense.
Avoid what is evil;
stick to what is good.
In love let your feelings of deep affection for one another come
to expression
and regard others as more important than yourself.
In the service of the Lord,
work not halfheartedly but with conscientiousness and an
eager spirit
Be joyful in hope,
persevere in hardship;
keep praying regularly;
share with any of God’s holy people who are in need;
look for opportunities to be hospitable.
Bless your persecutors; never curse them, bless them.
Rejoice with others when they rejoice; and be sad with those
in sorrow.
Give the same consideration to all others alike.
Pay not regard to social standing,
but meet humble people on their own terms.
Do not congratulate yourself on our own wisdom.
Never pay back evil with evil,
but bear in mind the ideal that all regard with respect.
As much as possible, and to the utmost of your ability,
be at peace with everyone.
The word of the Lord.
“Love,” by Roy Croft
I love you
Not only for what you are,
But for what I am
When I am with you.
I love you,
Not only for what
You have made of yourself,
But for what you are making of me.
I love you
For the part of me
That you bring out;
I love you
For putting your hand
Into my heaped-up heart
And passing over
All the foolish, weak things
That you can’t help
Dimly seeing there,
And for drawing out
Into the light
All the beautiful belongings
That no one else had looked
Quite far enough to find
I love you because you
Are helping me to make
Of the lumber of my life
Not a tavern
But a temple.
Out of the works
Of my every day
Not a reproach
But a song.
I love you
Because you have done
More than any creed
Could have done
To make me good.
And more than any fate
Could have done
To make me happy.
You have done it
Without a touch,
Without a word,
Without a sign.
You have done it,
By being yourself.
Lorraine and Robert at this point in your relationship, are you prepared to give yourselves to one another in marriage? If so, say, “I am.”
Together: I am.
Robert and Lorraine, do you come in freedom, and without reservation, to give yourselves to each other in marriage? If so, say, “I do.”
Together: I do.
Lorraine, Bob – it has been an honor to walk with you on this journey of joining together. It has been an amazing gift for me, to see first-hand the depths of your love and commitment to each other.
And, as part of our journey together in preparation for today, I asked you both to answer a few questions about the other.
Lorraine – Bob’s favorite thing about you is how you fully embrace life. From traveling the world, to finding and keeping diverse friendships, to taking new classes and trying new things, to keeping in touch with family, he loves your zest for life and how it inspires him to live his life more fully. Now, if I told you the whole list of what he thought your best qualities are, we’d be here for a while. To name just a few: he deeply appreciates how you care for others, especially family and friends, and also the broader community. He sees and loves what a good friend you are, both to him and to all your friends. He likes your smile – he says you’re just one of those people who lights up the room when you walk in. And of course, this list of appreciation wouldn’t be complete without mentioning your organizing skills – Bob does truly value your ability to plan, especially when it comes to vacations and fun things to do.
But most importantly, when I asked Bob why he loved you, Lorraine, he said:
“When I need a hug, she senses it and gives me a hug. When I need someone to talk to, she’s always there. When I’m hungry, she makes me food (and it’s always healthy food). When I’m not feeling well, she doesn’t just hold my hand… She holds my hand and then buys and reads a book to figure out how to help me.”
Lorraine, Bob sees how much you love and value him, and it is clear without a doubt that he loves and cherishes you as well.
Bob – Lorraine loves your honesty, your sense of humor, and your kindness. She also very much appreciates how willing you are to try new things. Her favorite thing about you is how you genuinely care about and respect everyone you spend time with – it is a rare person whose goodness shines through in every interaction with every person. She also really appreciates that you are not afraid to let your own light shine through, even if it doesn’t match up exactly with society’s expectations – that takes courage. One of things you did that has meant a great deal to her happened early on in your relationship. While still in the early stages of dating, Lorraine showed up at your apartment to find a photo of the two of you on display in your living room. She was shocked and surprised in a good way – this simple gesture touched her deeply.
When I asked Lorraine why she loved you, Bob, she said:
“I love him because I aspire to be more like him in many ways – he is so kind and thoughtful. I think he's the ‘full package’ – kind, thoughtful, creative, good-looking, smart, funny, social, respectful, loving, interested in doing many things and more.”
Bob, Lorraine sees how much you love and value her, and it is clear without a doubt that she loves and cherishes you as well.
You both expressed deep appreciation for how, after a long wait in both your lives, you finally found “the one.” And not only the one to marry, but someone who fulfills you, challenges you, appreciates you for who you are, and who brings joy into your life. What a blessing! Of course, life has its hard times as well, and already as a couple you have successfully navigated several difficult challenges together, and were there for each other every step of the way. Most importantly, you share deep and powerful values about how to be in this world and how to live life. Love, family, treating other people well, integrity, loyalty – these are all important parts of the life you have built, and will continue to build, together.
Let’s pause for a moment. Please turn and look around at those present here today…
Take this moment in. All of us, all these people so special and dear to you, are here to celebrate with you this day. May their faces serve as a reminder each time you see them, of the commitments that you have made, and the promise that you are making to yourself and to each other, about the kind of partner you would like to be, and the kind of partnership you would like to have.
Couple turns back to face minister.
My hope for you both, as you embark on this next stage of your continued journey together, is that you can, in your lives, and particularly with each other, try to live in, with and by love, a radical, embracing kind of love. And when I say radical love, I’m not talking about the kind of love we sometimes think of as “normal,” a codependent kind of love where there is blame and drama and selfishness. I am talking about a love that is open, free and grounded.
It is my hope that on the days where one of you has screwed up the most, that the other finds that place of grace in their heart to forgive, and that together you can begin the process of healing, renewing and recreating bonds of trust.
It is my hope that on the days where the little things are driving you crazy about the other person, that you are able to take a step back and remember that you love him, or that you love her. It is my hope that you can take hold of their hands, look into one another’s eyes, and recall the vows you shared today, and communicate your frustration in a loving, caring way.
Most of all I hope you continue to learn to love yourselves, so that when you are loving each other, you are loving from a place of strength and groundedness, so that as the love flows between you, it flows not as a need or a binding, but as a happy, joyous connection.
As you begin this marriage, I hope that you are able to continue to grow and nourish between you the kind of love that honors the individual while celebrating the connection between individuals, a love that not only weathers the hard times, but sustains you through them, a love that challenges you to grow and learn and be the best person you can, all while holding you every step of the way, affirming your inherent worth and goodness.
May your marriage be a source of light and love in your lives, and in the lives of your friends and family.
Please join hands.
Lorraine, as you join with Robert in marriage, will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him; and, forsaking all others, do you commit to being faithful to him as long as you both shall live? If so, please say “I do.”
Lorraine: I do.
Robert, as you join with Lorraine in marriage, will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her; and, forsaking all others, do you commit to being faithful to her as long as you both shall live? If so, please say “I do.”
Robert: I do.
Lorraine, please repeat after me.
I, Lorraine, take thee, Robert, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. With my whole heart and with my complete devotion, I pledge you my love.
Robert, please repeat after me.
I, Robert, take thee, Lorraine, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. With my whole heart and with my complete devotion, I pledge you my love.
May I have the rings please?
May these rings be blessed today. May they be filled with the infinite love of God, so that they might serve as reminders of that love throughout your lives, blessing you as they have been blessed.
The circle is the symbol of the sun, the earth and the universe, of wholeness, perfection and peace. The ring, the closed circle, is now to be worn as a constant reminder of this couple's desire to attain and maintain that constant flow between the heart and the mind, between innocence and experience. Made of precious metals to remind you, as long as you wear them, that you have chosen each other as precious and holy objects of your love.
Robert, please take Lorraine’s ring, place it on her finger, and then repeat after me:
See in this ring an outward sign of my heart’s love and devotion.
Lorraine please take Robert’s ring, place it on his finger, and then repeat after me:
See in this ring an outward sign of my heart’s love and devotion.
May these rings remind you forever that you are loved by one another. May they come to represent over time, over many days, months and years of life, both the hardships overcome together and the many happy and joyful times you will share.
May these rings remind you always of the vows you have taken here today.
We will close this prayer with the Lord’s Prayer, using “trespasses.” Please join as you wish when the time comes.
Let us pray.
Holy one, God of Love and Light,
We ask that you bless Lorraine and Robert, that they might grow and thrive, learn and love, together, in this great covenant of marriage.
Help them to always remember the qualities that attracted them to each other when they first met.
Give them the strength and courage they need, to turn feelings of love into acts of love, so that their love is one that lived, and not only felt or spoken.
Gracious lord, please continue to bring love, joy and happiness into their lives, so much so that that love and happiness spills over into the lives of others.
Bless their home, so that it might reflect this light and this love, so that it might serve as a sanctuary of peace and comfort for Lorraine and Robert, a sanctuary filled often with the laughter and companionship of friends and family.
Above all, may their love grow large enough and strong enough so as to bear all things, believe all things, hope for all things, and endure all things.
Please hear these, the prayers of our hearts.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.
This marriage is an event in the lifetime of a love, and we now provide official witness to that event.
Since Lorraine and Robert have consented together in wedlock and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and have declared the same by the giving and receiving of rings, by the power vested in me by the state of Oklahoma and by the Unitarian Universalist Association, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
You may now kiss to seal the covenant that you have made here today.
May the sun of many days and years shine upon you;
May your love for each other grow and hold you close;
May the good and true light that shines within guide your way forward together;
May your dreams come true, and when they don’t, may new dreams arise;
And, many long years from now, may you look at one another and be able to say,
“Because of you, I have lived the life I always wanted to live – because of you, I have become the person I longed to be.”
Go, and be blessed, and be a blessing!
Let me be the first to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Lorraine Peters.
As we gather here today in the presence of God and each other, we joyfully acknowledge the decision of these two people, Lorraine and Robert, to share their lives in marriage. It is appropriate that you are here, for what each of them brings to this commitment has roots in the love, friendship, and guidance which you have given them. What each will find in their life together will owe much to the warmth and richness of welcome which you provide as the environment of their wedding.
Marriage is a union created by loving purpose and kept by abiding will. Lorraine, Robert, this ceremony we perform marks neither the beginning nor the end of your relationship. It is not the beginning, for we are here now only because you are already bound to each other by a deep and devoted love. Nor is it the end, for your love will grow and change toward your mutual happiness and the achievement of your common ideals. Such a ceremony does not guarantee the success or permanency of your relationship. Only the consecration of each to the other in the bonds of mutual love can accomplish that.
Let this ceremony be a public acknowledgment of your inward commitments already made to each other.
This wedding is also a celebration of family.
It is the blending of two families, separate until this moment, but united from this day forward, blending their different traditions, and strengthening the family tree.
Lorraine’s family:
Do you offer this couple your goodwill, and welcome Robert as a member of your family, offering him your love, affection, and support?
If so, please respond by saying we do.
Lorraine’s family: We do.
Robert’s family:
Do you offer this couple your goodwill, and welcome Lorraine as a member of your family and offer her your love, affection, and support?
If so, please respond by saying we do.
Robert’s family: We do.
Let us join together in prayer.
O’ lord of life and love, we ask that you bless Robert and Lorraine on this day, their special day of celebration.
We ask that you continue to bring light and love to their relationship, a relationship that becomes bound more deeply today in your love, bound through this ceremony of personal and public commitment.
We ask that you give them strength, courage, and patience, so that they may continue to bring your blessings into their lives together, and by doing so, bless those around them, and honor your holy name.
We ask that you bestow your love and grace upon this marriage, so that it may bring greater joy and goodness into Lorraine and Robert’s lives, so that it may bring greater joy and goodness into the world.
We ask and pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ.
As family and friends, each of you has played some part in bringing Lorraine and Robert to this moment, and in various ways you will continue to support their relationship.
Your presence here today contributes powerfully and deeply to the meaning and joy of this moment. While Lorraine and Robert will soon be making vows of support and care to each other, they will never cease needing the support and care of their friends and family as they navigate the many challenges that life brings us.
Will all of you witnessing the promises made here today pledge to uphold this couple with your continued love, assistance, wisdom, comfort and encouragement?
If you agree, please respond by saying “we do.”
Congregation: We do.
Weddings are a time of celebration and a time for gathering of family and friends.
Marriage ceremonies often also remind us of the absence of someone who would be delighted to share in this moment.
Lorraine and Robert have asked us to take a moment to think of those who could not be here with us today, but whose presence is reflected in the hearts of those here gathered. This includes family and friends, and most especially, Robert’s father, Kenneth Richard Peters.
Let us honor Kenneth and all those who could not be present with a moment of silence.
May those who are absent today know that they are missed and loved, and that, in turn, their love is present and part of this gathering.
Robert and Lorraine also wish to take a moment today to honor their mothers, for they would not be here in this time and in this place without the love and care of Ann Belzone and Beverley Shearing.
Ann and Beverley, Robert and Lorraine share these roses with you in gratitude for all you have done. All the diapers changed, all the meals made, all the hugs and kisses given, all the love and support offered freely. You have been, and continue to be, a blessing in their lives.
Romans 12: 9-18
Let love be without any pretense.
Avoid what is evil;
stick to what is good.
In love let your feelings of deep affection for one another come
to expression
and regard others as more important than yourself.
In the service of the Lord,
work not halfheartedly but with conscientiousness and an
eager spirit
Be joyful in hope,
persevere in hardship;
keep praying regularly;
share with any of God’s holy people who are in need;
look for opportunities to be hospitable.
Bless your persecutors; never curse them, bless them.
Rejoice with others when they rejoice; and be sad with those
in sorrow.
Give the same consideration to all others alike.
Pay not regard to social standing,
but meet humble people on their own terms.
Do not congratulate yourself on our own wisdom.
Never pay back evil with evil,
but bear in mind the ideal that all regard with respect.
As much as possible, and to the utmost of your ability,
be at peace with everyone.
The word of the Lord.
“Love,” by Roy Croft
I love you
Not only for what you are,
But for what I am
When I am with you.
I love you,
Not only for what
You have made of yourself,
But for what you are making of me.
I love you
For the part of me
That you bring out;
I love you
For putting your hand
Into my heaped-up heart
And passing over
All the foolish, weak things
That you can’t help
Dimly seeing there,
And for drawing out
Into the light
All the beautiful belongings
That no one else had looked
Quite far enough to find
I love you because you
Are helping me to make
Of the lumber of my life
Not a tavern
But a temple.
Out of the works
Of my every day
Not a reproach
But a song.
I love you
Because you have done
More than any creed
Could have done
To make me good.
And more than any fate
Could have done
To make me happy.
You have done it
Without a touch,
Without a word,
Without a sign.
You have done it,
By being yourself.
Lorraine and Robert at this point in your relationship, are you prepared to give yourselves to one another in marriage? If so, say, “I am.”
Together: I am.
Robert and Lorraine, do you come in freedom, and without reservation, to give yourselves to each other in marriage? If so, say, “I do.”
Together: I do.
Lorraine, Bob – it has been an honor to walk with you on this journey of joining together. It has been an amazing gift for me, to see first-hand the depths of your love and commitment to each other.
And, as part of our journey together in preparation for today, I asked you both to answer a few questions about the other.
Lorraine – Bob’s favorite thing about you is how you fully embrace life. From traveling the world, to finding and keeping diverse friendships, to taking new classes and trying new things, to keeping in touch with family, he loves your zest for life and how it inspires him to live his life more fully. Now, if I told you the whole list of what he thought your best qualities are, we’d be here for a while. To name just a few: he deeply appreciates how you care for others, especially family and friends, and also the broader community. He sees and loves what a good friend you are, both to him and to all your friends. He likes your smile – he says you’re just one of those people who lights up the room when you walk in. And of course, this list of appreciation wouldn’t be complete without mentioning your organizing skills – Bob does truly value your ability to plan, especially when it comes to vacations and fun things to do.
But most importantly, when I asked Bob why he loved you, Lorraine, he said:
“When I need a hug, she senses it and gives me a hug. When I need someone to talk to, she’s always there. When I’m hungry, she makes me food (and it’s always healthy food). When I’m not feeling well, she doesn’t just hold my hand… She holds my hand and then buys and reads a book to figure out how to help me.”
Lorraine, Bob sees how much you love and value him, and it is clear without a doubt that he loves and cherishes you as well.
Bob – Lorraine loves your honesty, your sense of humor, and your kindness. She also very much appreciates how willing you are to try new things. Her favorite thing about you is how you genuinely care about and respect everyone you spend time with – it is a rare person whose goodness shines through in every interaction with every person. She also really appreciates that you are not afraid to let your own light shine through, even if it doesn’t match up exactly with society’s expectations – that takes courage. One of things you did that has meant a great deal to her happened early on in your relationship. While still in the early stages of dating, Lorraine showed up at your apartment to find a photo of the two of you on display in your living room. She was shocked and surprised in a good way – this simple gesture touched her deeply.
When I asked Lorraine why she loved you, Bob, she said:
“I love him because I aspire to be more like him in many ways – he is so kind and thoughtful. I think he's the ‘full package’ – kind, thoughtful, creative, good-looking, smart, funny, social, respectful, loving, interested in doing many things and more.”
Bob, Lorraine sees how much you love and value her, and it is clear without a doubt that she loves and cherishes you as well.
You both expressed deep appreciation for how, after a long wait in both your lives, you finally found “the one.” And not only the one to marry, but someone who fulfills you, challenges you, appreciates you for who you are, and who brings joy into your life. What a blessing! Of course, life has its hard times as well, and already as a couple you have successfully navigated several difficult challenges together, and were there for each other every step of the way. Most importantly, you share deep and powerful values about how to be in this world and how to live life. Love, family, treating other people well, integrity, loyalty – these are all important parts of the life you have built, and will continue to build, together.
Let’s pause for a moment. Please turn and look around at those present here today…
Take this moment in. All of us, all these people so special and dear to you, are here to celebrate with you this day. May their faces serve as a reminder each time you see them, of the commitments that you have made, and the promise that you are making to yourself and to each other, about the kind of partner you would like to be, and the kind of partnership you would like to have.
Couple turns back to face minister.
My hope for you both, as you embark on this next stage of your continued journey together, is that you can, in your lives, and particularly with each other, try to live in, with and by love, a radical, embracing kind of love. And when I say radical love, I’m not talking about the kind of love we sometimes think of as “normal,” a codependent kind of love where there is blame and drama and selfishness. I am talking about a love that is open, free and grounded.
It is my hope that on the days where one of you has screwed up the most, that the other finds that place of grace in their heart to forgive, and that together you can begin the process of healing, renewing and recreating bonds of trust.
It is my hope that on the days where the little things are driving you crazy about the other person, that you are able to take a step back and remember that you love him, or that you love her. It is my hope that you can take hold of their hands, look into one another’s eyes, and recall the vows you shared today, and communicate your frustration in a loving, caring way.
Most of all I hope you continue to learn to love yourselves, so that when you are loving each other, you are loving from a place of strength and groundedness, so that as the love flows between you, it flows not as a need or a binding, but as a happy, joyous connection.
As you begin this marriage, I hope that you are able to continue to grow and nourish between you the kind of love that honors the individual while celebrating the connection between individuals, a love that not only weathers the hard times, but sustains you through them, a love that challenges you to grow and learn and be the best person you can, all while holding you every step of the way, affirming your inherent worth and goodness.
May your marriage be a source of light and love in your lives, and in the lives of your friends and family.
Please join hands.
Lorraine, as you join with Robert in marriage, will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him; and, forsaking all others, do you commit to being faithful to him as long as you both shall live? If so, please say “I do.”
Lorraine: I do.
Robert, as you join with Lorraine in marriage, will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her; and, forsaking all others, do you commit to being faithful to her as long as you both shall live? If so, please say “I do.”
Robert: I do.
Lorraine, please repeat after me.
I, Lorraine, take thee, Robert, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. With my whole heart and with my complete devotion, I pledge you my love.
Robert, please repeat after me.
I, Robert, take thee, Lorraine, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. With my whole heart and with my complete devotion, I pledge you my love.
May I have the rings please?
May these rings be blessed today. May they be filled with the infinite love of God, so that they might serve as reminders of that love throughout your lives, blessing you as they have been blessed.
The circle is the symbol of the sun, the earth and the universe, of wholeness, perfection and peace. The ring, the closed circle, is now to be worn as a constant reminder of this couple's desire to attain and maintain that constant flow between the heart and the mind, between innocence and experience. Made of precious metals to remind you, as long as you wear them, that you have chosen each other as precious and holy objects of your love.
Robert, please take Lorraine’s ring, place it on her finger, and then repeat after me:
See in this ring an outward sign of my heart’s love and devotion.
Lorraine please take Robert’s ring, place it on his finger, and then repeat after me:
See in this ring an outward sign of my heart’s love and devotion.
May these rings remind you forever that you are loved by one another. May they come to represent over time, over many days, months and years of life, both the hardships overcome together and the many happy and joyful times you will share.
May these rings remind you always of the vows you have taken here today.
We will close this prayer with the Lord’s Prayer, using “trespasses.” Please join as you wish when the time comes.
Let us pray.
Holy one, God of Love and Light,
We ask that you bless Lorraine and Robert, that they might grow and thrive, learn and love, together, in this great covenant of marriage.
Help them to always remember the qualities that attracted them to each other when they first met.
Give them the strength and courage they need, to turn feelings of love into acts of love, so that their love is one that lived, and not only felt or spoken.
Gracious lord, please continue to bring love, joy and happiness into their lives, so much so that that love and happiness spills over into the lives of others.
Bless their home, so that it might reflect this light and this love, so that it might serve as a sanctuary of peace and comfort for Lorraine and Robert, a sanctuary filled often with the laughter and companionship of friends and family.
Above all, may their love grow large enough and strong enough so as to bear all things, believe all things, hope for all things, and endure all things.
Please hear these, the prayers of our hearts.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.
This marriage is an event in the lifetime of a love, and we now provide official witness to that event.
Since Lorraine and Robert have consented together in wedlock and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and have declared the same by the giving and receiving of rings, by the power vested in me by the state of Oklahoma and by the Unitarian Universalist Association, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
You may now kiss to seal the covenant that you have made here today.
May the sun of many days and years shine upon you;
May your love for each other grow and hold you close;
May the good and true light that shines within guide your way forward together;
May your dreams come true, and when they don’t, may new dreams arise;
And, many long years from now, may you look at one another and be able to say,
“Because of you, I have lived the life I always wanted to live – because of you, I have become the person I longed to be.”
Go, and be blessed, and be a blessing!
Let me be the first to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Lorraine Peters.